Friday, 21 September 2012

all the things that are on the internet

i have made a facebook page, you can 'like' it if you like it, but if you don't like it then you can still 'like' it, if you like. You can look at it here

now i just want to take a moment to say, that i might just have rather a lot of things online, maybe too many things... maybe not...

  1. there is this blogspot
  2. there is the facebook page
  3. there is the cat bruce website
  4. the vimeo channel
  5. the youtube channel
  6. the tumblr
  7. the twitter account
  8. the redbubble shop 
  9. and an Etsy shop

Ah well never mind.
Let's just look at this picture of a tiny jar on a very old plate.

lots of love from Cat

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